Journey to MohenJo Daro
Journey to Mohen Jo Daro an ancient archaeological site located in Larkana district in the province of Sindh Pakistan. . Being a photo blogger: I was decided to travel an ancient archaeology site for their photo stories, therefore, I started a journey to Mohen Jo Daro from Islamabad. The Mohen Jo Daro is 1150 kilometers away from Islamabad, and 450 kilometers from Karachi city. Larkana can be reached out through airplane, train, and vehicle. But I preferred to travel by Daewoo bus, it took 14 hours to reach in Larkana city. Larkana is famous for the political affiliation, two former prime ministers of Pakistan, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto belongs to same district. However, Larkana is also my hometown district. Mohen Jo Daro is located west of the Indus River, around 28 kilometers from Larkana city. Mohen Jo Daro was rediscovered in the 1920s; by archaeologist Sir Johan Marshall. Historians said Mohen Jo Daro was the economi...